City Council 11-12-18

11 12 2018 MINUTES
Call to Order at 7:00 PM.
Swearing in of the new Mayor and Council Members, Welcome Mayor Eric Haven, and Council Members Al Avery, Rick Detkowski, David Marsh, and Sue Wylie. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Haven, Avery, Detkowski, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie, All Present.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Marsh, Seconded by Wylie, to approve the agenda with changes to add Mayor Pro Tem Appointment, take off #17 Discussion of SHPO hearing, move Holiday Lights to before City Manager report and CDBG Allocation after CDBG Hearing. All Yes, Motion Carried. Motion by Reynolds, Supported by Avery to Approve the Appointment of Sue Wylie as Mayor Pro Tem . All Yes, Motion Carried.
Public Comment: Curt Catallo expressed his thanks to Sharron Catallo for her hard work, endless commitment, and strong ethic.
Consent Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski, to approve the Treasurer Report and Minutes 10/08/2018 and Draft Minutes 10/22/2018. Motion Carried.
Team Rush 27 presented their case for the waiver of the $200.00 Banner Hanging fee. They are also asking for a waiver of the DPW wages of three men at three hours for the labor on the parade of $225.00. They spoke about their efforts to expand the STEM program at Clarkston Community Schools, their work on summer camps and Scamp. James Meloche volunteered to ask Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit to cover a portion of the cost. Motion Carried.
At 7:34 the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Public Hearing was open by Mayor Haven. There were no comments from the public. The CDBG Hearing was closed at 7:35.
Resolution by Kneisc, Supported by Wylie to approve the allocation program PY 2019 CDBG funds of $6,000.00 ($7,000.00) to Senior Transportation, Account #732011, providing travel services to 62 and over and disabled adults 18 and over to medical appointments, shopping, employment and Senior Center. Resolution is Adopted.
Resolution by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski, to adopt the Oakland County Hazard Mitigation Plan. This Plan reviews the options to protect people and reduce damage from hazards, along with Homeland Security Division and Oakland County Local Emergency Planning. Resolution Adopted.
Motion by Detkowski, Supported by Reynolds to approve building plans for 55 S. Main St based on the Planning Commission recommendation. The use is for dental office use ONLY. The 1400 square foot addition to the second floor is for an internal lab ONLY, No expanded use, any other use would have to go back to Planning Commission. Planning Commission has determined this use as parking neutral. Motion Carried.
Resolution by Marsh, Supported by Wylie, to approve Planning Commission Recommendation of $7,500.00 for two LED Solar Power Panel signs and 30 hours of Oakland County Sheriff Department enforcement in the amount of $1,970.00. This will come from the fund balance, and be installed on Holcomb Road. Resolution is Adopted.
First Read of Ordinance # 115 of a natural gas franchise with Consumer Power. The second read will be scheduled on December 10, 2018.
Motion by Haven, Supported by Reynolds to adjourn at 9:45 PM. All Yes, Motion Carried. For the complete minutes please contact Sandy Miller, City Clerk at 248-625-1559 or

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