Letters to the Editor

Words taken out of context, reader says

Dear Editor,
I want to thank the City Council for not appointing Cory Johnston to any committees (“Activist sidelined on committees,” Jan. 25).
Cory puts heart and soul, along with many hours of research, into any task. This will free up all that time for him to complete honey-do projects.
That being said, I recently attended a Council meeting and listened to Cara Catallo make an impassioned speech about words having meaning, so I was devastated to read the article “Activist sidelined on committees” in the Jan. 23 paper where it was reported Mr. Mike Sabol, at the Jan. 21 City Council meeting, quoted a comment made by Cory Johnston almost three years ago without putting it in context.
Mr. Sabol was on the City Council at the time that comment was made and knew the situation that prompted it, shame on you Mr. Sabol.
If I have any regret at this point it is that we did not follow the advice of our attorney and sue both the city manager and City Council for slander and/or libel.
Cory and I chose not to follow that path because we did not believe it was in the best interest of the citizens of Clarkston. So, yes, Misters Sabol, Marsh, and Haven, Cory did say he hated the city but it was with reference to the sitting city government, not the Clarkston community.
We are both hopeful the current council and administration will be more respectful of the attitudes and opinions of all residents.
Robyn Johnston

Reader calls for respect for activist

Dear Editor,
I read an article on the front page of The Clarkston News disrespectful to Mr. Cory Johnson (“Activist sidelined on committees,” Jan. 25). Not the article, not The Clarkston News, but the comments made by some on the new City Council.
I am deeply disturbed by this. Since when has free expression of the frustration of local government been something that determined your validity as a worthy resident to serve upon committee? Some may think the critical statements of Mr. Johnston are “negative,” but as Phil Custodio of the CNews states (in his column), it demonstrates their love of the town they live in.
They care at a level most fear or are too lazy to venture. Clarkston should be proud to have citizens like the Johnstons; to care as much as they do about the town where they live.
Every single criticism Mr. Johnston has lobbed has been valid, and it would benefit City Council, not to mention the township, to pay attention to what he states, because he is not only well informed, but is more active than anyone in government, sustainability, ect. than anyone else including locally elected officials at city, township, and county levels.
I would recommend the Clarkston City Council etc. consider their background and experience, and their own, to determine who indeed has the most informed statements, and take into context the city manager at the time Mr. Cory Johnston made those comments.
At the time, the city manager was someone who gaslighted, bullied, manipulated, and otherwise acted unprofessionally, and Mr. Johnston and his hunny have always acted in the best interest of this local, to the benefit of this local, and to his/their own detriment.
There is not a negative bone in this couple’s body. They only care about the community at a level that others cannot imagine. Everyone in the township and “city of the village of” should be the kinds of citizens Cory and Robin Johnston are. I am ashamed at the bullying the individuals at the Clarkston meeting participated in and they need to retract their statements and apologize.
Tammie Heazlit
Independence Township

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