Village elections move to September

The next scheduled election in the Village of Lake Orion takes place in September 2005. Council members on Nov. 8 opted not to require any elections in November.
According to a new Michigan election law, the village had to choose to hold its elections for seats on the village council either in September of odd-numbered years or in November of even-numbered years.
Picking September as the election month allows the village to continue to conduct its own elections as it has done in the past. If the council had decided on November, Orion Township would have administered the election and charged the village for the costs.
‘There’s a lot less confusion if the village holds its own election,? LO Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel said. ‘We’re non-partisan, so we would be on the tail-end (of a November ballot).?
Councilman Ken Van Portfliet said some village residents had told him they wanted the village to maintain its own elections.
During a public hearing, village resident Jeff Simpkins was the only one to speak. ‘I recommend November. We need a larger turnout. I think this (November) will get more people involved. Two hundred out of 4,000 (people) isn’t good,? he said.
‘From what I understand, it’s never been that way (referring to a large voter turnout),? council president Bill Siver said.
The council has yet to decide on whether or not council members should have staggered two and four year terms (similar to the staggered one and two year terms now) or all two year terms or all four year terms.