Brandon School District employees receive wage hikes

Brandon Twp.-All employee groups in the school district now have settled contracts, most with 2 percent wage increases.
At their Sept. 21 meeting, the school board unanimously approved salary adjustments for non-union groups in the district, completing contract settlements that began last month.
Non-union groups include four maintenance employees, four technology employees, 13 central office employees and all paraprofessionals in the district. The non-union employees will receive a 2-percent wage increase, just as clerical, transportation, food service, did last month.The school board also approved for teachers a step increase, or 1 percent increase in pay. Administrators receive a 1 percent off-schedule payment each year or a salary step increase.
The non-union wage increases will cost the district $36,000 annually and are included in the balanced budget.
‘I think the board has indicated they appreciate the work everybody does and we are happy to invest in our staff,? said Outlaw, for whom the board has also proposed a 2 percent salary increase, but which has not yet been formally approved. ‘I’m pleased for everyone.?