Township fire department gets approval to purchase ventilators, ambulance cot

By Megan KelleyClarkston News Editormkelley@mihomepaper.comINDEPENDENCE TWP. — At its meeting on March 19, the Independence Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved two requests from the township fire department for ventilators and an ambulance cot.The request, from Fire Chief Dave Piché, includes four Zoll Z Vent portable ventilators and related accessories for $62,430 and a four […]

Residents can still file to run for township board, city council

INDEPENDENCE TWP. — Residents in the City of Clarkston and Independence Township still have time to file nominating petitions if they would like to run for public office in the primary and general elections.There are seats up for election on the Independence Township Board of Trustees and the Clarkston City Council.Some positions are partisan while […]

Township board approves vehicle purchases for DPW

By Megan KelleyClarkston News Editormkelley@mihomepaper.comINDEPENDENCE TWP. — The Independence Township Department of Public Works will soon be receiving new trucks after the Township Board of Trustees unanimously accepted quotes and approved purchases at its March 19 regular meeting.Public Works Director, David McKee was in attendance to walk the board through both requests beginning with the […]

Why the double standard when it comes to road maintenance?

 Where will the Independence Township Board of Trustees find the additional $50,000 payment in the township’s budget to improve county dirt roads while those who live on paved Oakland County roads are told to pay more through the “Neighborhood Road Improvement Project” if they want their county road maintained? Why the double standard? Independence Township board […]

Everest Academy presents The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Everest Academy presents The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Edmund (Demaro Valentino), Susan (Erin Carr), Peter (Jacob Sasak), and Lucy (Caroline Beggs) discover the notice posted by the White Witch about Tumnus’s disappearance. Photo provided by Mary Rosseli. INDEPENDENCE TWP. — Everest Collegiate High School and Academy performed a stage production of C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe earlier last month.This […]

Public Notice: Hillview Estate water system maintenance, April 8

Independence Township will be conducting hydrant flushing on the Hillview Estate’s water system on Monday, April 8, 2024. This work will be performed between the hours of 7:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. Customers may experience some discolored water. Please run cold water to clear your lines and avoid doing laundry until the water is clear. […]

Public Notice: Independence Township Board of Trustees regular/closed session meeting agenda, April 2, 2024

BOARD OF TRUSTEESREGULAR / CLOSED SESSION MEETING AGENDADATE AND TIME: April 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.LOCATION: Independence Township Hall6483 Waldon Center Drive, Clarkston, MI 48346The Meeting will be held in-person in the Township Hall Meeting Room. The public has the option to attend virtually viaMicrosoft Teams.The video conference can be accessed by clicking on the […]

Ronald C. Morris, 80

Ronald C. Morris, 80

Ronald C. Morris; born February 10th, 1944 in Pontiac to Raymond and Ann Morris; of Clarkston formerly of Pontiac; passed away on March 21, 2024 at the age of 80; husband of Joyce for 59 years; father of Greg (Tracy Blacker) Morris and Amy (Nathan) Cook; papa of Jeffrey Morris, Anna Cook and Nolan Cook; […]

Marian G. Maher, 73

Marian G. Maher, 73

We extend our heartfelt condolences for the loss of Marian G. Maher, 73 of Lake Orion, MI, passed away peacefully on March 22, 2024 surrounded by her loving family.   Marian was raised on Nicholas Ave, Morristown, New Jersey, and was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother.  Marian had a gift and passion for all […]

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