Back to school with Don and a whole lot more!

Back to school with Don and a whole lot more!

Yes, we are full on in school mode these days. Rock and roll! Some school districts in the state started last week, some this (others even earlier). Regardless of the start date, I believe all the little children — loaded down with 57 pounds of books and stuff in their little backpacks — are safely […]

Connecting the dots with Don can be fun!

Connecting the dots with Don can be fun!

Three bits of information converged onto my consciousness last week — I’d say within a 12-hour time span. The info was all transmitted electronically from three different sources. Was it coincidence? Or, was it something a little more preordained; something planned to get my attention? Because contemplating the mysterious is inherently more interesting, I am […]

Said the suckee to the sucker . . . bug off

Said the suckee to the sucker . . . bug off

We media types love (with a capitol LOVE) it when a “new” disease is discovered somewhere in the world. It has probably been that way since the beginning of the modern era of journalism. When I first tried my hand at writing “Don’t Rush Me” (over 30 years ago) their was this “new” disease that […]

Mamas let them kids play in dirt!

Mamas let them kids play in dirt!

Love it when science (or at least people smarter than me) comes to my aide to shore-up one of my long-held beliefs (even if said belief had no substantial reason to be held). That belief: Kids and dirt is a good thing. When I was a youngster, like before I was five years old, I […]

Back from Mid-Summer Vacation so soon?

Back from Mid-Summer Vacation so soon?

Hey, it’s the week after July 4 and all I can say to all you who were on vacation, “Why did you come back so early?” While you were gone, enjoying yourselves on the lakes and woods, and cottages and cabins and hotel suites, the world of non-vacation takers took advantage of your absence. The […]

Buy a 5th on the 3rd for the 4th, an American tale.

Buy a 5th on the 3rd for the 4th, an American tale.

Much to my chagrin, for the past — oh what, two weeks? — people have celebrated American independence with fireworks and much merriment. While I dig the feeling of celebrating American independence every day of the year, I can do without an entire summer of explosions. (Insert “Signed with with love, Cranky Old White Dude” […]

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