Letters to the Editor

Message for reader in FOIA responses Dear Editor, If the city manager has to “issue a 10 day FOIA extension” so she can “calculate the charge” for a simple FOIA request, then you would think the Clarkston City Council would be questioning her ability to do the job for which she was hired to do, […]

SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Seek conscious awareness of God

My grandmother was a long time Truth Student. During the Great War, 1914 -1918, she worked in The War Department in Washington D.C. This was also the time of the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918 – 1919 which killed over 20 million people worldwide. At one point my grandmother was very ill with the flu. […]

WORDS FROM THE SUP’T: Grads display many achievements

The end of the school year brings countless opportunities for our community to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our young people. It is also a chance for us collectively to pause and share gratitude for all of those in our community who contribute to these accomplishments. This year’s senior class represents an awe inspiring display […]

BY FRANK J. GRANETT R.PH.: Lose weight for summer

Many of us have tried the latest weight loss fads over the years to help remove those excess pounds. Buying special food packages, restricting calories and even taking a magical pill. There is no magic pill when a person makes the decision to embark on a pathway toward weight management as well as optimization of […]

SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Will you demonstrate wisdom of God?

I would like to talk about discernment versus discrimination. In many ways, these two words are the same. They both refer to the ability to recognize differences. Discrimination has most recently been used to refer to how we respond to those differences. This word is specifically used when we talk about how we treat, or […]

Letter to the Editor

Thanks for help with Refuge Run Dear Editor, Thank you to Assistant Publisher Don Rush for the very generous donation of two quarter-page ads for our 11th Annual April Refuge Run. Due to your generosity and the 125 participants who raced and walked, we raised over $3,000 for our Youth Ministry Missions. Our church, Clarkston […]

Letters to the Editor

Thank you for patronage during sale Dear Editor, The Friends of the Clarkston Independence District Library Board would like to thank all those involved in our recent Used Book Sale at the library. The sale was very successful, raising funds to enable the library staff to provide useful, interesting and entertaining programs for all ages […]

Letters to the Editor

Workers appreciated Dear Editor, Hello, my name is Jack Storey, I am in eighth grade and I am a Boy Scout in Troop 377. I am working on a prerequisite for summer camp. I am writing about the roads in Clarkston. As you already know, the roads were pretty bad during the winter and caused […]

SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Promise fulfilled at Pentecost

Years ago there was a song sung by Dionne Warwick that said: “Promises, promises, I’m all through with promises, promises now….” With this being an election year we might think this is going in that direction, but that is not what I would focus on. We hear so much about negative promises, never-fulfilled words, and […]

STUDENT VIEWS: Failing to feed the hungry

Eighth grade students in teacher Allie Browe’s English Language Arts classes at Clarkston Junior High School are writing activism articles in their argument writing unit, and we’re publishing some of their top articles. This week, Jacqueline Dunahay presents the case for a larger world response to hunger. World hunger is one of the world’s major […]