FRANK J. GRANETT R.PH.: Study looks at mother’s auto-antibodies for indicators for autism and ADHD

by Frank J. Granett Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) afflicts approximately 1 in 88 children and is a primary contributor to America’s Epidemic: The Childhood Behavioral Health Crisis as described in the book  Over Medicating Our Youth. Over 12 million children and young adults consume powerful ADHD stimulant and psychiatric medications representing a consumption rate […]

STUDENT VIEWS: Can we stop the silence?

Eighth grade students in teacher Allie Browe’s English Language Arts classes at Clarkston Junior High School are writing activism articles in their argument writing unit, and we’re publishing some of their top articles. This week, Claire Kostecki discusses mental health education. If we would have learned how to cope with mental illnesses such as depression, […]

Letters to the Editor

Thanks to students Dear Editor, On behalf of my fellow veterans at the Clarkston American Legion Post 63, I would like to thank Clarkston High School Principal Gary Kaul, and commend a few of his students. A few weeks ago, I received an email from Rian Bannick, Clarkston Junior High, and his sister, Kathryn Bannick, […]

Letters to the Editor

A call to contact city about expansion Dear Editor, The City of the Village of Clarkston is considering building a new garage for city vehicles and renovating the existing Village Hall at a cost estimated to exceed $440,000. There are no funds dedicated for this, no known financing in place, and the City Treasurer has […]

STUDENT VIEWS: Wish for children who need families

STUDENT VIEWS: Wish for children who need families

Rebecca Peart is a freshman at Clarkston Junior High School and in her Advanced Language Arts class has a service learning project. “I chose to do mine about orphans because I am adopted from China and I want to help people get the chance that I got,” Peart said. Have you ever thought about orphans, […]

STUDENT VIEWS: Letter grade system gets an F

Eighth grade students in teacher Allie Browe’s English Language Arts classes at Clarkston Junior High School are writing activism articles in their argument writing unit, and we’re publishing some of their top articles. This week, Brooke Butler discusses school grades. About a few months ago, I had my first anxiety attack. I have never gone […]

SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Truth clearer amidst nature

In this modern age it can be very hard to detach from our daily lives. With cell phones, iPads, and laptops; everywhere we go we stay connected to the work, school, and groups that form the busyness of our lives. We are reluctant to be out of touch, and feel naked if we ever leave […]

SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Seek solid foundation with Christ

For those of us who are over 50, we are living in unusual times. In the 80’s, who would have anticipated the direction social debate would have taken in these days? Graduating from Clarkston High School in 1972, I spent the majority of my time attending school in the 1960’s. Since that time, the pendulum […]

Thanks for inspiringly written columns

Dear Don Rush, I, for one, think this is what makes me like you, as a writer and a person. You don’t take yourself, or anything you write, too seriously. Hopefully your honesty, humanity and compassion will rub off on those who need it. Especially those who are so easily offended by something as silly […]