City Council

City of the Village of Clarkston

City Council

Regular Meeting Minutes

01 14 2019 Minutes

Call to Order at 7:47 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Haven, Detkowski, Reynolds, Wylie, Present. Kneisc, Marsh, Avery, Absent

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Detkowski, Supported by Wylie to approve the agenda with the addition of the Adoption of the new Master Plan with amendments and approval of the Clarkston United Methodist Church Building Use Policy. All Yes, Motion Carried.

Consent Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Reynolds to approve the Treasurers Report ending 12 31 2018 along with minutes of 12 17 18 meeting and modified minutes of 12 10 18. All Yes, Motion Carried.

Resolution by Detkowski, Seconded by Wylie, to approve the contract of 2019 Smart Credits of $874.00 to be allocated to Independence Township Senior Center Transportation Program. Roll Call: Haven. Wylie, Reynolds, Detkowski All Yes. Resolution is Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski, for a purchase of extra batteries and charger for the parking kiosk in the amount of $721.00. Roll Call: Detkowski, Wylie, Haven, Yes, Reynolds NO. Resolution is defeated.

Resolution by Haven, Seconded by Wylie, for Carlisle Wortman to write a grant application create a MDNR grant for Depot Park not to exceed $6,000.00.($5,000.00 paid to Carlisle Wortman) and $1,000. For promoting a fundraising campaign.) ($3,000.00 from each account # 401 265 728.000 and 236 264 757.000).  Roll Call: Detkowski, Wylie, Reynolds, Haven. All Yes. Resolution is Adopted.

Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski to appoint the Parking Management Committee as recommended by Rich Little, Chair of the Planning Commission. Members are Scott Reynolds, Joe Luginski, Eric Lines, Kevin Harrison, Ann Clifton.  Motion Carried.

Rana Emmons presented our year end June 30, 2018 Annual Audit. The City received an unmodified or clean audit with no disclaimers or exceptions. Motion by Haven, Seconded by Wylie to accept and file the audit. Motion Carried.

Motion by Wylie. Seconded by Detkowski to waive the competitive bid process for the professional services contract of Total Environmental Design. Motion Carried.

Resolution by Haven, Supported by Reynolds to approve a contract with Total Environmental Design, not to exceed $7,500.00 for the completion of drawings of DPW and Town Hall. Roll Call: Wylie, Reynolds, Haven, Detkowski. All Yes.  Resolution is Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski to support the Planning Commission decision and to adopt the New Master Plan as amended. Roll Call: Detkowski, Haven, Reynolds, Wylie, All Yes. Resolution is Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Seconded by Haven to enter into a building and equipment use policy and contract with Clarkston United Methodist Church. Roll Call: Reynolds, Wylie, Haven, Detkowski. All Yes. Resolution is Adopted

Motion by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski to adjourn at 9:34 PM. Motion Carried.

For the complete minutes please contact Sandy Miller, City Clerk at 248-625-1559 or

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