City Council

City of the Village of Clarkston

City Council

Regular Meeting Minutes

05 14 2018  Minutes

Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Catallo, Haven, Kneisc, Reynolds, Wylie, Present. Detkowski, Mayor Percival, Absent. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Catallo, Supported by Wylie, to approve the agenda. Motion Carried.  Public Comments:  Cory Johnston spoke about HDC training and classes. Haven talked about possible future Movie night in the park.

Consent Agenda:  Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Catallo, to approve the Minutes 04 09 2018 along with 04 16 2018 and 04 23 2018 Draft Minutes. Treasurer Report ending 04 30 18. Motion Carried. Motion by Reynolds, Supported by Catallo to table this motion, until more changes are made. Motion Carried. Joette Kunse and Ken Ermer presented a proposal of a donation from Optimist of $20,000.00 for the Depot Park Playground, along with a challenge proposal to raise more funds. Motion by Wylie, Supported by Reynolds, to approve No parking on the North side of E Washington in front of 51, 61, 69, as a temporary measure. Motion Failed.

Motion by Kneisc, No Support, to approve No parking on the South side of E Washington in front of 56, 66, 74. Motion Failed for no support. Motion by Wylie, Supported by Haven, to approve No parking on the North side of E Washington in front of 51, 61, 69, with a sign in front of 66 for 61 to use.  Motion Failed. Motion by Catallo, Supported by Haven, to reconsider the first motion that failed of No parking on the North side of E Washington. Motion Carried. Motion by Catallo, Supported by Haven, to approve No Parking on the North Side of E Washington in front of 51, 61, 69 as a temporary measure. Motion Carried.

Motion by Kneisc, Supported by Haven for Dick Carlisle to attend our Council Meeting on Tuesday May 29, 2018 to discuss the parking study proposal and Pay Carlisle Wortman not to exceed $8,500.00 from 18/19 FY. Motion Carried. Motion by Kneisc, Supported by Catallo to table the discussion in regards to Stop signs at Holcomb and Surrey Lane. Motion Carried.

Motion by Wylie, Supported by Reynolds, for a water repair near 20 N Main St, not to exceed $20,000.00 from the water fund. Motion Carried.  Resolved by Wylie, Seconded by Reynolds, to approve a Budget Amendment in the amount of $20,899.20. Resolution is Adopted.

Motion by Catallo, Seconded by Kneisc, to approve a bid award to Dutton Irrigation for Irrigation repairs needed at Depot Park in the amount of $1,800.00. Resolution is Adopted. Motion by Haven, Seconded by Kneisc, to approve HRC to complete the Roadway Asset Management Plan for a not to exceed fee of $5,600.00. Motion Carried.

Resolved by Wylie, Seconded by Catallo, to approve a Cost Participation Agreement with Oakland County Local Road Improvement Matching Fund Pilot Program, not to exceed $2,881.00. Resolution is Adopted.

Motion by Wylie, Supported by Kneisc to adjourn at 10:12 PM. Motion Carried. For the complete minutes please contact Sandy Miller, City Clerk at 248-625-1559 or or visit


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