Clarkston City Council 12-12-16

City of the Village of Clarkston
City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
12 12 2016 Minutes
Call to Order at 7 pm. Max Wyckoff led the audience with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Percival, Kneisc, Marsh, Wylie, Catallo, Detkowski, Haven. Award Presentation to Max Wyckoff, for his Eagle Scout project of the rain garden near the Clark Bridge. Thank You to Max for his hard work.Motion by Haven, Supported by Marsh to Approve the agenda with the change to add the Sheriff Report for November 2016, Change HDC Detail, Change Planning Detail, and move Tom Ryan Motion Carried. Resolved by Haven, Supported by Marsh to Ratify the actions taken by City Council on November 14, 2016. Resolution is Adopted. Announcement from Percival that Haven will continue as Mayor Pro Tem. Public Comments will have a change so that each person that wants to make a comment will fill out a form with their name and address and summary of their comment. The Communications Committee has been working on a pamphlet for residents. The Facilities Committee will meet Wednesday, January 13 11 at 7 pm. Friends of Depot Park will meet Tuesday, January 10 at 9 am. Motion by Marsh, Supported by Wylie for members of sub-committee members and their mission statements, then come back to council and formalize the appointments and mission statements. Motion Carried. Motion by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski, to approve the Consent Agenda with a change in the 11 28 2016 Minutes. 16 aa is missing in the minutes. Al Avery did not get his award. Motion Carried. Paul Maxwell and Ann Clifton presented Angels Place Race 5K and 10 K run/walk that is Saturday, May 13, 2017. Motion by Marsh, Supported by Wylie to provide for Angels Place Race that Rich Little will pay the $25.00 administrative fee and David Marsh will cover the cost of the DPW charges, along with permission to use City streets for the race. All Aye, Motion Carried. We will need the certificate of insurance for Angels Place Race. Motion by Catallo, Supported by Kneisc to approve the appointment of Bailey Smith until December 2019 to the Historic District Commission. Motion Carried. Motion by Detkowski, Supported by Catallo to approve HDC meeting dates for 2017 and Bob Sowles and Rhiannon Cherwak reappointment until December 2019. Motion Carried. Motion by Kneisc, Supported by Marsh to meet past 9 pm. Motion Carried. Motion by Percival, Supported by Kneisc to reappoint Rob Bondy to the Planning Commission. Motion Carried. Motion by Percival, Supported by Detkowski to appoint Eric Haven to the Planning Commission. Motion Carried. Motion by Percival, Supported by Haven to appoint Frank Schoebel to the Planning Commission. Motion Carried. Motion by Percival, Supported by Haven to Appoint Joe Luginski to the Planning Commission. Motion Carried. Motion by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski to approve the Planning Commission Dates for 2017. Motion Carried. Motion by Percival, Supported by Marsh to postpone agenda item regarding forming Planning Commission from 5 to 7 members. Motion Carried. Motion by Percival, Supported by Marsh to postpone agenda item regarding forming a DDA and expanding Main Street Oakland. Motion Carried. Motion by Marsh, Supported by Detkowski to adjourn at 9:17. Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted, Sandy Miller, City Clerk

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