Clarkston Everest Collegiate athletes began summer activities last week.
Ann Serra-Lowney, EC athletic director, met with coaches on June 9 to go over new MHSAA guidelines for summer sports.
With the official end of the school year last week, summer athletic activities began on Wednesday with football head coach Michael Pruchnicki bright and early at 7 a.m.
Coaches have been creative in adapting summer training plans to the current guidelines.
Everest Collegiate female athletes began summer strength training in the parking lot on June 11, with basketball coach Erin Van Wagoner and cross country coach Mary Williams.
“It was great to be back and see so many athletes’ excited about getting stronger. Their enthusiasm was inspiring for the first day,” said Van Wagoner.
“We all want to be back with as few restrictions as possible in the fall,” added Serra-Lowney. “If athletes are able to follow the current guidelines, it is one step forward toward coming back,” she said.