Flower power

Flower power

Nancy Bontumasi plants a bulb.

Davisburg-area gardeners planted more than 1,000 daffodil bulbs along the fence leading to the Springfield Township Civic Center in the Shiawassee Basin Preserve, Oct. 10.
That’s a good start, said Carol Pinkos, president of the Springfield Garden Club.
“This is a good beginning to reaching the final goal of 14,000, which will be one daffodil for each resident of Springfield Township,” Pinkos said. “The daffodils will make the entrance to the Civic Center even more beautiful.”
The plan is to plant about 2,000 Dutch Master Daffodil bulbs per year in different parts of the township over the next seven years, as part of the Michigan Division of the Women’s National Farm and Garden Association’s Daffodils4Communities Project.

Springfield Garden Club members line the fence in the Shiawassee Basin Preserve, planting flowers.

The project grew from Daffodils4Detroit, a Michigan Division program of daffodils planted on Belle Isle, which has been going on for more than 10 years. Individual branches participate on a voluntary and independent basis, funded by each branch.
“We thought, we could do this,” Pinkos said.
Year two of the project will be by the entry sign at Dixie and I-75. The yellow flowers planted this year will bloom in mid April, she said.
“It should be a beautiful sight, really pretty,” she said.
– Phil Custodio

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