Some Comments about Advertising . . .
“Licensed sales agents.” Yes, most can now drive .
Medicare vs. Humana. Duh?
When a company like AARP deliberately aims itself toward aged, retired people do you get the idea if you are aged or retired that you are targeted?
Humana advertising is no different in their goals than lawyers, bedding companies and dieticians.
Who names health products? You know those that seem unpronounceable.
I know a man who makes medicines. He says medicine names are not necessarily science related, but may even have a lab worker’s name in it. Interesting.
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This is an affordable plan! (For who, Trump or me?)
Call for free order form and tax help plans. Enclose signed credit card or cash.
As I just said, so many drug names are unpronounceable yet the maker often tells you to ask your doctor to prescribe it to you. How can I do that if I can’t say it?
Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford seems to have the same vision as a mole in a hole, or a damn short memory of plays.
In my growing up days, I knew all the Lions, Packers, and Bears.
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Did this past season set a record for holiday begging? Money for charities (which may have been spent asking for more money). With the pattern set, I expect requests to increase in 2016.
Many are lost enroute to the bottom.
I’m a war veteran, and I get a disability pension. But, with so many scandals in the Veteran’s Administration of unearned bonuses being awarded and stories of career employees in the VA stealing money, I’m wondering if the VA has much oversight. Ah, the VA is just another Washington-as-usual program.
• Another medical warning. Get more medical help if you experience hunger pangs, hic up three times, break a nail, stub a toe or forget a phone number and hate your mirror.
Leave your doctor alone for awhile!
• Read all handouts given to you by television medical sales people, look in another mirror, and if you still see you, have a laugh. The world is still yours.