Keiser’s Role: What is the truth?

Well, now that the Aug. 2 election is over I am ready for November to come so we can get that election over as well.
Not that I am anxious to necessarily vote, but I am ready for the presidential candidates to be the main topic of every conversation. It wouldn ‘t be bad if they were civil conversations. Almost any conversation I am a part of or overhear it’s hostile to some degree and people’s blood pressure is rising, faces are turning red and hatred is spewing from the mouth.
To be honest, there is so much information and MISINFORMATION I don’t think people really know what the truth is and most are just going to believe what they want to believe.
I’ll admit I’ve not been as invested personally in this presidential election as I have in the past. I have some sources via online I like to draw information and thoughts from.
Having spent the past nine years in journalism field and doing what I do, I’m not able to accept “the truth” so many are shouting. It’s usually because the truth they are proclaiming has me asking a whole lot more questions than I am recieving answers. It’s because I understand how the journalism world works.
So when someone says I was watching XYZ news station or reading HIJ political news website and it said “So and so said….” I’m usually the first to question the source of the information and the PARTIAL quote they have claimed someone said. (Now I am not denying that person said it, I am just saying that’s NOT ALL they said). Usually when I follow up on something with a little research I can usually end up with a bigger picture and fuller story than what’s been told to me.
When it comes to the big media outlets, especially in the television world, I’ll be honest and say I don’t like any of them nor do I trust their reporting, because in my opinion, television news has become a source or entertainment instead of a focus on NEWS and TRUTH. Some of your big newspaper outlets are guilty of spreading misinformation and misquotes as well.
My advice is this: Don’t be so quick to run with what you’ve been told or even read. It’s OK to question.

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