Letter to the Editor: Looking to re-connect — please help!

Dear Editor,

As with many others, I was inconvenienced by the COVID pandemic.
I had traveled 1,469 miles all the way from Rawlins, Wyoming to have a book signing at the Clarkston Independence District Library and teach some writing techniques to a couple of fourth grade students.
Just before my arrival in my previous hometown, I learned of the closure of everything.
Fortunately, not the Mill Pond Inn, where I had reservations. Joan and Buck Kopietz welcomed me with elbow bumps.
I stayed the week of March 16-20 as planned and then beyond into the next week, mostly staying put except for a few short walks, and to go to the McLaren lab to have a blood draw test, where everything was professionally and carefully handled.
Since I couldn’t sell and sign copies of my book reported in an earlier Clarkston News article, I reached out to parents of my previous students who agreed to locate students who would want signed copies of my book.
If you were an Andersonville Elementary student, please contact Sandy Chester at 248-625-4648.
If you were a Clarkston Elementary student, please contact Lisa Bannasch at 248-563-7498.
If you were a Bailey Lake Elementary student, please contact Sally Coe at 248-625-8143.
Thank you to Clarkston folks, those I knew and didn’t know, who made me feel welcome and almost back home except for the excessive traffic.

Sherril Bailey

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