Letter to the Editor: Main Street traffic statistics

Dear Editor,

Daily risk of “crash“ non fatal, no injury .002739727
Monthly risk 0.0273972603
Yearly risk is 0.3333333333
Crash, in English means “ to go to pieces with violence and noise “
It also means a place to sleep. Sofa or bed.
The word crash may be a little exaggeration, other than the one occurrence where a building was hit.
The question, is it dangerous ? NO!!, a 0.002739727 probability of non injury, non fatality? Crash is lower than the risk of getting a day older for a retiree, no crash.
Speed limit 30 MPH, if that is lowered to 25 MPH, Expect the following
1-Increased idling by vehicles, means more Carbon dumping, when you burn
1 gallon of diesel 22 pounds of carbon gets dumped in the air, with gasoline
20 pounds for gallon and LNG 25% less depending on contaminants and
2-Risk of fender bender will go up, with attendant increased cost to the driver.
3-Increased risk of driver to driver un pleasant interaction, delays in traffic.
4-Police to public interaction is 50% during traffic violation, if the reduced
speed has to be enforced ( with out a proven reason ) there will be increased
police to public interaction, more chances of unpleasant scenes, increased
insurance cost to the public, more disliking of police, less chance of any
future increased funding at ballot box.
If one must enforce a posted speed limit, the best civilized means would be to deploy speed control camera, a one time cost, automatic ticket writing, non police interaction encounter, it is effective and cheaper than hiring more people to enforce.

All the best,
Mukhtar A Khan MD, FACC
23-year Clarkston resident

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