Letter to the Editor: Not a fan of Brown

This is outrageous.
The election of Paul Brown as the Independence Township treasurer should be nullified. Paul elected to run for this position and then ran around to the other side of the table to vote for himself.
The interviewee gets to decide that he gets the job? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
There is something fundamentally wrong with this scenario. It doesn’t matter that the township attorney claimed it was legal. It’s just plain wrong and needs to be corrected.
Jose Aliaga was elected by an overwhelming margin to the supervisor position largely because the citizens of Independence Township are fed up with the dealing and self-interest decision making on the board and in the administration.
Paul Brown is the poster boy for all that we citizens want to abolish.
Paul Brown seems to be making a career out of moving from one township position to another.
It’s about time he got a job somewhere else.
Vincent Bozzone

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