Letter to the Editor: Vote Love, Giampetroni

Driving around town, I have been excited to see the numerous signs for supporting the candidates for our local school board. It is wonderful seeing our community involved in our schools.
Two years ago, a small group of parents gathered outside the board office protesting the removal of our option for in-person schooling. Since then, there has been an incredible push from parents to be involved in our school district.
Because it has been two years since our parents felt this hurt, I feel it is imperative that we remember who we need on our board for the next six years. I met Christy Giampetroni at the beginning of this new wave of involvement, and Amanda Love shortly after. These ladies have been fighting for our children to have options. They have never advocated for someone to lose their preferred option, but simply to keep all options on the table (in-person or virtual, masked or unmasked, vaccinated or not)
Today, they fight for our kids to have the right to read books appropriate for their age, have the resources necessary whether special needs or advanced, and most importantly, for parents to have transparency from our board and a voice in their childrens’ education.
These efforts have been fought from the beginning by our incumbent board members who nearly always vote unanimously with no open debate even among the board members. They lack transparency, and only feign an attempt to make parents feel heard.
It is imperative that our community rally behind Amanda Love and Christy Giampetroni for Clarkston School Board.
David Meyer

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