PHIL IN THE BLANK: Once more into the breach

One more weekend of me playing a ghost-hunting 12th century Danish soldier in a 20th century U.S. Army uniform, in Clarkston Village Players’ comedy production of Hamlet II.
My has the time flied.
My first time performing in any theater production, I still get nervous before each show, waiting in the wings in the dark for announcements to finish and the house lights to go out, which is my cue to walk out onto the stage and start things off.
It always feels like walking the plank.
A roomful of people sitting in the dark looking at me, expecting me to do something at least mildly entertaining.
I haven’t done that sort of thing much before, but it’s been a lot of fun.
I learned a bit about the theater (“thee-ah-tah”). I was familiar with “break a leg,” which people totally say to each other. But also things like the stage manager announcing “10 minutes,” and the response, “thank you 10.” And the champagne they hand out before opening night is for a toast. Don’t just start drinking it.
I love how all us actors, director, managers, even the audience add up to more than what’s in the script.
Like how James Hoxsey’s ghost is supposed to smoke a cigar, but the way he holds it in his mouth while covered in a sheet.
C.J. and Hoxsey’s fight choreography.
Eric Easterday, Todd St. George, and Beth Egan DeGuise’s song and dance routine.
James Pike’s death scene.
How Eric Cooper and Sandra Deering, the royal couple in the play, took something from the script like “fall to the stage” and made it hilariously funny. Shoes have been seen to fly through the air. Folks really ought to see it.
Fellow newbies Robert Slate and Michael Bell have been fun to work with, and director Karen McClellen and the other seasoned vets have been quite gracious. Besides learning the lines and the blocking (which is where you go on stage and when), the challenge for me has been all the snacks in the Green Room. I have a small role and spend a lot of time there.

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