With the changes of half days to full days for Clarkston Community Schools due to the amount of snow days this year, the teachers will also be affected in the amount of days they normally get for professional development and learning.
“We have sacrificed a half day of professional learning,” said CCS Marketing Director Mary Ellen Rowe.
According to CCS, Andersonville Elementary, Bailey Lake Elementary, North Sashabaw Elementary, Sashabaw Middle School, Clarkston High School and Renaissance High School need to make up three school days. As such, May 10, June 6 and June 7 are now full days of school, while additional half days are added on June 10, June 11 and June 12.
Clarkston Elementary, Independence Elementary, Pine Knob Elementary, Springfield Plains Elementary and Clarkston Junior High School need to make up two school days. Changes there are May 10, June 6 and June 7 becoming full days and half days on June 10 and June 11.