Thanks for military, first responders, hunters

Dear Editor,
As the season of giving thanks approaches, I would like to mention some of the people and things that make me thankful.
I have been truly blessed by my God, my wife, my family and my great friends. I thank the founders of this great nation, all the military persons and citizens who keep us free, all the medical personnel and first responders who protect us daily and all those in the food industry who grow and prepare food for this nation and for nations across the world.
Also, I would like to thank the sportsmen and women who will donate an estimated $100,000 and 55-60,000 pounds of venison this year to food banks and processors. This will provide up to 232,000 meals to the hungry in Michigan, according to the Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger.
Since sports persons also provide most of the dollars for conservation in Michigan, not tax dollars, I thank them again for helping to provide a beautiful state with abundant natural resources.
While I’m at it, allow me to thank all the good people at The Clarkston News for your entertaining and informative articles. They keep us apprised about the most important issues in Independence Township. Have a great holiday season!
Ron DeLorme
Independence Township

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