Words from the Sup’t: Thankful for our community


Dear CCS Families,
It’s the time of year when we take stock of what we are thankful for.
As the superintendent of Clarkston Community Schools, my list is long!
At the top of my list is something I will never take for granted. I have the honor and privilege to be part of an amazing team of students, staff, parents, and community members. Every day isn’t easy, and every task isn’t simple. But we have proven over the years that we can accomplish anything together, and we do it well!
We have so much to celebrate here in Clarkston.
Our students continue to achieve their personal best inside and outside the classroom. But they don’t stop there. Year after year, they reach higher ground and set goals for their future.
All of this is possible because of the unwavering support of our outstanding staff, their wonderful families, and our strong community.
Our staff members are building meaningful relationships with our students and constantly utilizing innovative ways to keep them engaged and learning.
Our families are steadfast partners in education, making every effort at home to support their children.
Our community understands the importance of educating our children and continues to invest in our schools because they know it is an investment in our future.
I believe this collaboration fuels our students’ success, and their success fuels us! Thank you for your role in our students’ lives.
Dr. Shawn Ryan
CCS Superintendent

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