Exchange students give thanks with concert

Smiling faces were abundant at Clarkston United Methodist Church on April 29.
About 50-60 local Youth for Understanding USA exchange students performed a talent show including songs and skits intended to show their gratitude to their host families.
‘They did very well. There were funny and worked very hard. It went very well,? said Tracy Molzon, whose family hosted a student. ‘There wasn’t a dry eye there.?
The Molzon family of Independence Township has housed Martha Ehrich, 16, of Germany since November and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
‘She became part of the family,? said Tracy, who along with her husband Marc, and children Bryce, 18, and Kyra, 16, opened their home.
‘My kids learn so much from her and that’s exciting. It’s exciting to teach her too.?
Martha also talked fondly about the exchange experience.
‘It’s probably been the best year of my life,? said Martha. ‘You have stereotypes (coming over) and that’s not true? most people here are like me even though they are American. It’s been more than (I expected) I thought I’d come here and just want to go home, but I don’t want to.?
In addition to providing a place to live, meals and encouragement, the Molzons exchange cultural perspectives and customs with Martha. The ‘family? also shared a vacation to Hawaii.
‘It was awesome. I would have never thought I would have gone to Hawaii? it’s something I’ll never forget,? said Martha.
Recommending the experience to other families with children, Tracy Molzon said all involved got along famously.
‘They all just got along like brother and sister. That’s not to say they don’t fight like brothers and sisters,? she laughed.
With Martha’s departure scheduled in June, the Molzons agree they will miss her.
‘It’ll be really sad. Everyone will miss her,? said Krya. ‘I learned a lot about friendships and the German culture and what’s going on there.?
Youth for Understanding is looking for local families to host high school boys and girls for next school year.
For more information about Youth for Understanding USA, visit their Web site at or call Barb Kilkka at 248-932-0811 or 1-800-872-0200, ext. 242.