Goodrich HS improvements

Goodrich-Summer is winding down and the Goodrich High School is making some minor improvements.
? March Bank from Flint was awarded a bid for cement work in front of the High School to the front entrance walkway. The cement has chipped and cracked over the years and is considered a hazard.
? Goddard Coatings, also of Flint will resurface the High School track. The track has not had work in eight years, and the recommendation is five, so it’s in need of a new surface.
? The school will also do some work in the north boiler room in the High School. During an inspection, asbestos was discovered on many of the walls and around the water tanks. The sponge-like material was removed and an air control and monitoring system was put in. Asbestos has not been discovered in the High School in 30 years.
? Amy Zagata was hired for the part-time Early 5’s and special ed position at Oaktree Elementary. This is Zagata’s third year with the school system.
? An act of vandalism occurred at the High School during July which resulted in $2,000 worth of damage to the entry way of the announcing booth, ticket booth, and pole barns. Michigan Lumber in Flint will replace the doors.