Richard Borth receives Eagle Scout ranking

Clarkston High School senior Richard Borth was presented with the rank of Eagle Scout from the Boy Scouts of America Troop 189 at Calvary Lutheran Evangelical Church in Clarkston.
Borth made the presentation very unique by incorporating Japanese, which he studied over the last few years at Clarkston High School.
Borth completed the requirements for the Eagle rank including his project, which was to repair 11 picnic tables at the Independence Oaks County Park. During the six-hour project, Borth and 30 volunteers replaced the boards and bolts of the tables, but left the frames unchanged.
‘The Eagle Scout experience teaches you to help others, complete community service, clean up parks and gets you conscious about the environment,? Borth said. ‘Scouting prepared me in the leadership area, where you have to work with other people, particularly younger ones.?
Borth is currently a member of the Japanese Club and marching band at CHS. He plans to attend Central Michigan University next year to study international business.