It happened. I had hoped and prayed to the pizza gods someone would drop off a pie topped with the perfect blend of cheese, sauce and pepperoni to our office downtown.
It happened and it occurred one week too late for me. Our Assistant Publisher Don Rush took advantage of the buy one, get one free deal at Rudy’s Market last Thursday. (He was offering slices on The Clarkston News Facebook if you missed it. See, keep up on it. You never know when Don will be offering to share his food.)
People came and went taking slices from the four boxes on the counter directly in front of my desk. I was alright with it.
I had already started my next round of Shape ReClaimed with Nuview Nutrition. I had done my gorging and also enjoyed a food tasting for our upcoming wedding which included full entrees. I also had wedding cake samples from a great cake shop which happened to have samples available – truly a bonus in my book when I knew I would be highly limited.
I know the pizza slices would have tasted delicious. I know the leftovers would have tasted great. But it was too late. Plus, five pounds gone feels a lot better than eating five slices. (And Don usually gets onions. Not a fan.)
Since I was already going on the plan I also cut coffee out. It was easier this way. My coffee intake has been getting out of hand, for me. Drinking a pot a day is a bit much.
The holidays weren’t too bad. I was in between. I wasn’t perfect in my eating, but I didn’t go over the deep end either. I did however start drinking Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. It went downhill from there. Once the season was done, I went on to Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer. Sugar and empty calories, you see where I fell, don’t you? Do you also see where the whole pot of coffee per day came from?
One week into the plan I am doing good. My energy level feels like it is up. I am getting more done because can’t be a bored eater. .
I have been here before. I know what to expect. I also know when I will be off of it – April. Then, it will be maintenance leading up to the June wedding, which is what helps me focus. I can taste the delicious food again. As I think about it we didn’t choose horrible food, a mix of good and fattening.