Woman charged with resisting arrest

Reports stated a 40-year-old Independence Township woman resisted police arrest when officers attempted to pick her up for a felony warrant.
According to the report, the woman tried to close her front door on sheriff’s deputies when officers grabbed her arm and attempted to pull her from the apartment. Reports said a man inside the apartment attempted to help the woman resist by holding her other arm.
The report states that police eventually pushed the man aside and gained control of the woman. According to reports, the man assisting the woman was actually assaulted by he with a beer bottle prior to this incident, which resulted in the warrant in the first place.
According to the sheriff’s report, officers placed the woman in a patrol car and asked if she needed medical attention, to which she responded ‘yes.? As the deputy called for medical assistance, the report states the woman kicked out the safety screen of his patrol car.
Officer’s stated in the report that upon arriving, medical responders opened the squad car door to assess her condition. Reports state at this time the woman tried to escape, and kicked several officers as they restrained her.
Charges of obstructing and resisting police arrest have been filed against the woman.