SCAMP Tour a success

With absolutely gorgeous weather this weekend, the SCAMP Home Tour exceeded expectations? raising proceeds far beyond intial goals and receiving positive feedback from participants.
‘We were hoping to hit $45,000, but probably came closer to $60,000, which all goes to the summer camp,? SCAMP member Donna Clancy said.
SCAMP hosts a summer camp for disabled students which generally costs around $400,000, funded in part by the annual tour.
Clancy estimated 600 people total attended the two day event, nearly triple the previous year’s numbers.
‘We had an absolutely beautiful day, everything was wonderful. We had twice as many people registered early. The weather is a major boost,? Clancy said.
Good weather, increased publicity and a determined planning committee were cited by Clancy as factors for the success.
‘We had a lot of comments, many people thought this was the best tour yet. Usually, everyone who comes through has a house they weren’t wild about. No one said that this year,? Clancy said.