Country Fair approaches

On a day celebrating workers there is a lot of fun to be had down Clarkston Road.
The First Congregational Church in Clarkston is celebrating its 11th Annual Labor Day Country Fair and Classic Car Show Sept. 5.
Visitors can enjoy a wide range of events including live auctions, a dime auction and a bake sale. An eclectic range of items can be purchased or won ranging from Detroit Piston tickets and movie passes to baked goods and antiques.
There also will be a kid’s mid-way area, giant garage sale, classic car show and D.J. Mark Farnsworth with his 1950’s music.
Reed Brown who organized the car show with his wife Karen, said the rapidly growing event helps raise money for the church’s programs. Brown expects there to be around 100 cars, double the amount he remembers during the five shows he worked. Cars will be judged in several classes including a People’s Choice said Brown.
Co-chair of the country fair Linda Atkins said the youth group has a float in the Clarkston Labor Day parade from which kids can get a treasure chest key. The keys can be brought to the fair to win prizes.
‘We have a lot of fun doing the fair which provides a good family atmosphere. It’s a lot of work, but supports much of our churches work throughout the year,? said Atkins.
The Labor Day Country Fair and Classic Car Show Sept. 5 runs from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. For more information, call 248-394-0200.