Here comes the STAND Strength Team

Smashing concrete blocks, ripping phone books, bending steel bars and lying on a bed of nails are all feats members of the STAND Strength Team perform.
This high intensity extreme power-lifting demonstration and ministry team is coming to Clarkston Community Church Dec. 9 ? 11.
‘We had them out for the picnic (in summer) and liked what they were doing and wanted to open it up to the public,? said Mindy Silvey of Clarkston Community Church.
John ‘The Bull? Lewis of Clarkston recently joined the STAND Strength Team as a part-time member. Being the new guy on the squad, made up of approximately 10 total part-time and full-time members, Lewis performed many of the strength feats for the first time on stage.
‘Everything we do on stage is real, there’s no prepping. The bats, blocks, water bottles and other things are real, there is no alterations made,? said Lewis. ‘None of it is scripted, they just call whoever to do a strength feat. One of my favorites is lifting the 300-pound wood log.?
One stunt called for Lewis to lie in between a bed of a nails as a fellow member, weighing nearly 260 pounds, bench pressed a 300 pound log atop.
‘Lying on a bed of nails, they were schooling me how to breath as I was about to do it. It was kind of weird because you don’t know how far the nails are going in,? said Lewis.
Another stunt calls for Lewis or other members to blow up a hot water bottle with their mouth until it pops.
‘The bottle holds more air pressure than your lungs, if the air goes back into your lungs it could be dangerous,? said Lewis.
Both Lewis and STAND founder Terry Nalian believe the ministry grabs the attention of audience members and reaches people when other presentations do not.
‘Not only does it work and grab kids? attention, it worked with adults and seniors. We believe outside of mom and dad that professional athletes are the best role models,? said Nalian.
Nalian thinks Lewis typifies the character he looks for in a team member.
‘One of the prerequisites is the athlete has to have integrity and character in their life and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They have to live it. We’re not just talking about anti-drug and anti-alcohol messages, we live it,? said Nalian.
Lewis, who did not always embrace the religious life-style, can understand those who may be turned off when they hear about ministries of faith.
‘I don’t blame them because I was there. I wish I could have seen (STAND) when I was younger, it would have changed my life a lot,? said Lewis.
While STAND does discuss Jesus Christ and religious ministry, Nalian stressed that the group often performs in nonreligious settings like schools and they alter their programs accordingly.
‘When we go into schools, it’s completely nonreligious. All we’re doing is supporting the principal and educators and implementing what they are hopefully teaching, like respect for authority? We know our boundaries, are professionals and experts at what we do. We don’t make mistakes,? said Nalian.
According to Nalian, STAND performs at schools, prisons, juvenile homes, youth camps and other places delivering a message of making the right choices.
One of those choices facing teens today is steroids.
‘Steroids are getting huge in high schools and a lot of people don’t realize the consequences. Everyone on the team is drug free,? said Lewis.
‘It took John 10 or 12 years to get his physique. He’s completely drug free and that’s a rare testimony. He can say ‘the strength I have is because I worked hard,?? said Nalian.
Joining Lewis and Nalian in some of the performances are other powerful athletes, according to a promotional handout. They include, but are not limited to Bryan ‘Ironman? Dorsey, an evangelist and counselor for STAND is the 1997 & 1999 ‘Mr. Michigan? Bodybuilding Champion and a 3-time Mr. USA Bodybuilding contender; Luther ?#94? Ellis, the former All-Pro defensive lineman for the Detroit Lions; and Chris ‘Crush? Rusher a professional Highland Games athlete who had a role in the movie ‘Finish Line.?
The STAND Strength Team will perform at Clarkston Community Church on Dec. 9 ? 11 at 7 p.m. The Clarkston Community Church is located at 6300 Clarkston Road. Admission is free. For more info call 248-625-1323