Battle continues 33 years later

Thirty-three years after Roe v. Wade, pro-life supporters from the Clarkston area gathered along the streets and dedicated a monument, affirming the importance of the issue to many residents.
With Jan. 22 marking the 33rd anniversary of the controversial Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion, a pro-life crowd stood near the intersection of Dixie Highway and White Lake holding signs expressing their views on the issue.
‘I think as a woman and mom who grew up in our times, we’ve all been duped by the abortion industry which has made billions off killing babies,? said Clarkston resident Kathleen Pierz and mother of two. ‘I’m a feminist, but pro-life too,? she added.
North Oakland Right to Life President Pat Spence, of Clarkston, estimated 50 to 60 people showed up from 1 to 2 p.m. and were well received by most motorists. She only saw one negative response to the signs and said she did not see any pro-choice supporters standing in opposition.
‘I’ve been out there six times and the negative response is going down which is nice,? said Spence. ‘We’re getting a positive response from all ages.?
Many of the people on the street echoed Spence’s observations.
‘We’ve had a very positive response today. I’ve only seen one bad response. It appears Clarkston is a very pro-life area,? said Clarkston resident Patsy Brady.
‘We’ve been fighting Roe v. Wade since 1973 because we’ve seen the lessening of abortions in our state and country,? said retired Detroit firefighter Bob Pepper of Highland Township. ‘We’ll be out here until we see Roe overturned. The appointments of Alito and Roberts is a good start. We’ve saved a lot of babies.?
In addition to gathering along Dixie Highway, several pro-life supporters met at the Colombiere Center on Big Lake Road to dedicate a memorial to the unborn.
Leading the ceremony was Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit Earl Boyea.
Clarkston’s Vince Rauth, an architect by trade, designed the memorial. Rauth said the monument which was put up Jan. 19th was adapted from others he has seen.
‘We hope the Supreme Court will come to its senses one day and make it right,? said Rauth.
Rauth credited Father M. Joseph Casey S.J. and the Jesuit community for accepting the memorial and providing the site. Rauth also recognized the Knights of Columbus John XXIII Council #5436 located on Maybee Road in Clarkston and A.X.M. Sharpe Assembly #0477 for donating the granite memorial.
The Clarkston News? attempts to find pro-choice people near the Dixie Highway and White Lake intersection or the ceremony at Colombiere were unsuccessful.