Board tables discussion of medical benefits

Decisions on any potential cuts to employee health benefits will be discussed by the Springfield Township board another day.
The board voted 4 to 3 at their June 8 meeting to table discussion of all employee benefits, until a later date so that Township Supervisor Collin Walls can research what other townships are doing and seek professional advice on a cost-effective health program. Further discussion is expected in August. Clerk Nancy Strole, Treasurer Jamie Dubre and Trustee Dave Hopper were the dissenting votes.
The decision came on the heels of last month’s decision to cut township contributions to current employee 401K plans from 7.5 percent to 5 percent and set a cap of 2.5 percent matching contributions for future hires.
While the 401K vote was unanimous, the 4 to 3 decision left some board members upset at the lack of action taken this time around.
Treasurer Jamie Dubre expressed frustration saying that continuing to bring the topic before the board extends the process and the employees deserved better.
The tabling followed an earlier motion by Trustee Marc Cooper to have all new employees after June 12, 2006 be covered by the township under a one-person plan, with options at the employees? expense to cover family members. The motion died after receiving no support from the other board members.
‘I don’t believe there should be two classes of employees in respect to medical benefits,? said Township Clerk Nancy Strole at the meeting.
Trustee Dennis Vallad concurred with Strole, noting that the small amount of employees prevents the township from offering a type of ‘cafeteria-style? plan with multiple options. He said the township should come up with a plan for everyone.
‘We don’t have the information we need to assess it,? said Cooper, following his second motion on the topic, to table the issue.
‘I recognize disparity in benefits, especially when in a small group is not a great idea. I also recognize that in one form or another we’re going to have to get a handle on medical benefits,? said Walls during the discussion.
The discussion of employees medical benefits followed both the board decisions to cut 401K contributions at the May meeting and the unanimous vote to freeze all the 2006 salaries under the jurisdiction of the township board with the exceptions of the treasurer’s assistant and the full-time firefighters in December.
In other board action:
? Increasing the hourly rate for fire department officers from $14 to $15 passed 6 to 1, with Trustee Roger Lamont voting no.
? Membership with the Michigan Township Association costing $5,124 in dues covering July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 were renewed with a 6 to 1 vote, with Walls voting against the measure because he did not feel the benefits of MTA membership justified the cost. A representative of the MTA was on hand to answer questions from the board.
? The board met at 6:30 p.m. to hear and consider comment from the public regarding its plan to improve Softwater Lake from 2007-2011 by eradicating or controlling aquatic weeds as needed and to discuss the possibility of designating a Special Assessment District.