Notes from the township

Notes from Monday’s Orion Township Board of Trustees meeting (for more on these stories, return to next week’s Lake Orion Review)?
~The board agreed with a decision by their planning commission, upholding the denial of a petitioner on Baldwin Road to change hours of operation on his property.
The decision likely will prevent landowners Eugene and Martin Scypinski from selling their property, just north of Brown Road, to a Del Taco developer.
The Scypinski’s were represented by David Lipski, who requested that the board look at evidence contrary to what was offered by the planning commission.
‘They ambushed us with a non-random, particular sampling of properties that fit perfectly into their description of how late a drive-thru should be open,? he said. ‘And left out all of the drive-thrus and restaurants that directly support our position.?
The board opted not to consider the new information, instead upholding the planning commission’s denial.
‘The acceptance of actual documents and photographs would be inappropriate because it expands the record and we don’t have the benefit of knowing if the planning commission considered it,? Trustee Matt Gibb said.
Gibb was the only board member to vote against he planning commission’s decision. Trustee John Steimel, the board’s planning commission representative, removed himself from the discussion and the board allowed him to abstain with a unanimous vote.
~The board supported, in concept, the placement of two additional tornado sirens along Clarkston Road, directing a subcommittee of Supervisor Jerry Dywasuk, Trustee John Garlicki, Fire Chief Jeff Key and resident Ed Peters to meet with Oakland County regarding the matter.
The additional sirens would be placed in fringe areas, one on each side of M-24. The committee will also contact Oakland Township, hoping to share the cost of a siren along the township border.
They are to report back to the board (with cost estimates) within 30 days, at which point a determination on funding is expected.
~A week after Your Source Management Group withdrew their request to provide human resource services to the township, the board is hoping to win them back.
A subcommittee of Clerk Jill Bastian, and Trustees Matt Gibb and John Steimel offered a three step process at Monday’s meeting.
The steps were approved by a 6-1 margin (Supervisor Jerry Dywasuk cast the dissenting vote), and include a consensus to outsource HR services for the remainder of 2008, develop a scope of work and contract that will be reviewed by township legal counsel, and contact Your Source to see if they would agree to that contract.
Should Your Source decline, the committee has been instructed to contact other first who had submitted RFPs.
~The board received a report from Building Official Tom Berger on the Elkhorn Lake wetlands, and requested a follow-up report specific to the property of Jerry Moon within 30 days.
The report noted that Ordinance Officer Patrick Damman observed Dale Kotila removing the spoils of the berm he constructed. A follow-up inspection will be done, including before and after photos, to verify the berm’s removal once work is complete.
The township is waiting for correspondence from the Department of Environmental Quality regarding the wetlands on Moon’s property. The report said the spoils in the wetlands were removed by a contractor and the file will be closed when that information is verified by the DEQ.
~The board formally approved wording for three August 5 election ballot-issues, including the Police, Fire and Safety Path millage renewals. Look for more on this story next week.