Will the show go on? Fireworks group seeking help

With the Fourth of July just five weeks away, the Lake Orion Fireworks Association has started their big push to the finish line.
The fundraising finish line, that is.
And this year, more than any in recent past, they’re in need of donations to keep the show alive and well.
‘This year is going to be tough,? LOFA President Carl Cyrowski said. ‘The businesses just aren’t able to help as much as in years past.?
As a result, Cyrowski said the association needs area residents to step up and help fill the fundraising void.
‘A lot of people don’t realize that we don’t take any money from the government,? Cyrowski said. ‘We want this to be the people’s show.?
One way to help is to help yourself to breakfast at Buffalo Wild Wings (on N. Lapeer Road) on June 8.
The event will run from 8:30 a.m.-noon and breakfast costs just $12 for adults and $6 for those 12 and under.
‘They came to us last year and it’s a great opportunity for us to give back to the community,? said Sheryl Macedo of Buffalo Wild Wings, which will host the breakfast for the second straight year.
‘It’s really going to be a nice event,? Cyrowski added. ‘Everyone raved about it last year.?
Macedo noted that in addition to food prepared by Buffalo Wild Wings, many other local businesses also donate food for the breakfast.
She said the restaurant plans to hold another fundraiser later in June, in which a percentage of the days? sales will be donated to the LOFA.
Cyrowski said the association also needs help at their fundraisers.
Those interested can call him at (248)343-2215, LOFA Events Coordinator Tina Peterson at (248)933-5816 or Treasurer Laureen Krause at (248)977-0370.