DDA ‘functioning? despite recent office flooding

When the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority moved into their current location at 51 N. Broadway in October of 2006, they figured the move would be temporary.
But plans to move again have been put on hold, and that’s a good thing, according to Director Lois Golden.
‘There’s really no place for the DDA office to move without taking up other retail space,? she said.
Visitors to the office in recent weeks, however, have likely noticed a ‘closed? sign on the door, as the June 8 storms that ripped through the region also ripped through their roof.
‘We’re still functioning,? Golden noted, saying meetings have been moved to local businesses, and office staff goes in and out of the building to check messages.
‘Have flash drive, will travel,? said Administrative Coordinator Janet Hartman of the office’s new motto.
Hartman said Cemcare, located in Troy, cleaned out the flooded area, located near the office bathroom, but it’s still far from ready for everyday use.
Hartman added that DPW Superintendent Mike Olson, Village Manager Paul Zelenak and Councilman David Churchill all offered their help in getting standing water off the roof, among other things.
Bids have gone out on fixing the roof and doing some interior work, which was thought to be a non-issue back when there were tentative plans to demolish the building entirely.
Now there appears to be a renter for the building’s Suite C, where Royal Radio was located, and some possibilities for Suite D, which include a farmer’s market and community meeting place.
‘It’s structurally sound, but cosmetics and routine maintenance haven’t been kept up,? Golden said of the building.
She said the flooding incident could be a blessing in disguise, as it has gotten everyone thinking long-term about that location.
Meanwhile, the DDA is working on a second printing of their downtown Dining and Shopping Guide and said they’re somewhat fortunate that the office closure didn’t come at a really hectic time, such as the week of Flower Fair or the upcoming Dog Days of August.