Green Parrot Superstore hatches new business in town

Goodrich-Since opening last December, Suzanne Dodoro’s business has been soaring.
Dodoro opened Green Parrot Superstore, 8165 State Road, located in the Goodrich Plaza after the demand for birds grew too great for the family home in Goodrich.
‘You just don’t see owners taking birds out for a walk,? she said. ‘A bird can just fly away and never come back. However, birds are the second most owned pet in the world and really make great pets.?
Dodoro offers a variety of birds to meet the requirements of customers who are often specific about size, color and even the voice of the birds. Some of the choices include African or Amazon parrots, aracari/toucanets, caique, cockatoos, macaws or Eclectus.
‘We ship birds all over the country,? she said. ‘There’s a waiting list for birds. Just like in the wild there’s a breeding season for birds. After they hatch it takes four to five months for the young birds to be weaned before we send them home with owners.?
‘Some birds talk a lot and are very loud,? she said. ‘That’s a big reason owners sometimes return their bird to us’the noise. They also live a very long time, some to 60-80 years old. Sometimes they outlive the owners. We also take rescued birds that may have been injured or owners are just no longer able to care for the bird.?
Dodoro’s store mascot is a small Congo African grey parrot that is missing its right foot.
‘His name is Lego,? smiles Dodoro. ‘The bird was injured after birth and is a rescue. He is very smart and can even tell you what he wants, like apple, water or popcorn.?
In addition to a variety of birds to order, Green Parrot Superstore also carries cages, food and bird toys.
Dodoro also emphasizes the importance of having birds checked out yearly by an avian veterinarian that visits the store during the year. For more information call 810-636-9120 or visit