Clarkston City Council, 6-24-19

City of the Village of Clarkston

City Council

Regular Meeting Minutes

06 24 2019 Minutes

  1. Call to Order at 7:00 PM.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Roll Call: Mayor Haven, Avery, Catallo, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie. All Present
  4. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Haven Seconded by Avery to approve the agenda. All Yes, Motion Carried.
  5. Public Comments: None.
  6. City Manager Report.
  7. Consent Agenda: Motion to accept by Wylie Seconded by Marsh to approve the Treasurer Report ending 06/24/2019 and minutes 05 13 2019 and 06 10 2019, All Yes, Motion Carried.
  8. New Business Proposition: A proposal for a new business was presented. It was recommended that the proposal be taken to the Planning Commission.
  9. Wylie moves, seconded by Reynolds to postpone Resolution to pay Sandy Miller a severance equaling 12 weeks of pay for 6 years of service for a total of $4,028.00. All in favor.
  10. Resolved by Reynolds seconded by Wylie to approve the Administrative Staffing Proposal. Moving Jennifer Speagle to City Clerk increasing her pay from $21,000 to $26,500. Hire a part time Administrative Assistant to fill Marcy Rotondo’s position. Retain Greg Cote as Treasurer with an adjusted schedule. Increase the City Manager Jonathan Smith’s annual salary from $30,000 to $34,000. Increase the DPW Supervisor Mike Speagle and DPW worker Caleb Withrow’s hourly rate by $1. Eliminate the Enforcement position (Code and Parking Enforcement are handled by other means). Change the City Office hours (not DPW) to be closed on Friday’s. Roll Call: Avery, Catallo, Haven, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie. All Yes. Resolution is Adopted.
  11. Resolved by Reynolds seconded by Wylie to approve the 19-20 FY Budget and General Appropriation Act and Millage rate of 11.7145. Roll Call: Avery, Catallo, Haven, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie. All Yes. Resolution is Adopted.
  12. Motion by Wylie Seconded by Catallo to move discussion on recommendations for New Board/Commission Appointments for Planning Commission (3 seats), Zoning Board of Appeals (4 seats) and Historic District Commission (3 seats) to the July 8thCouncil Meeting.
  13. Presentation by Parking Management Committee for recommendations on parking. Seven separate recommendations were discussed by Council which agreed to continue the discussion with possible vote during the July 8thCouncil meeting.
  14. Motion by Haven Seconded by Wylie to adjourn at 9:18pm. All yes, Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer A. Speagle, City Clerk


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