A Look Back for June 19, 2024

From The Clarkston News archives

25 years ago – 1999
Congratulations, graduates!:
It was an end and a beginning on Wednesday, June 9 as the Clarkston High School Class of 1999 went through commencement exercises at the Pine Knob Music Theater. It marked the final graduating class of the century, but for 441 seniors receiving their diplomas, it marked the beginning of a new life.
City ok’s budget with millage increase: For several years, the city of Clarkston was able to operate without any tax increases. But the reality of being over budget for the 1998-99 fiscal year, and the several high-cost projects at the top of its priority list for 1999-2000, the council decided on Monday night to approve its new budget, and increase taxes for city residents.
Impact soccer team wins division title: The Clarkston Impact U-13 team completed a remarkable turnaround during the spring, posting an 8-0-2 record, for first place in the league. During the fall the team went 2-3-5. “The difference was conditioning, as half of our team also ran track for either Sashabaw or Clarkston Middle Schools,” said coach Mark Verlinden.

50 years ago – 1974
Voters approve school millage:
return Leak to office: Clarkston School District electors, by a 2-1 majority, okayed a 4-mill school operating tax increase and returned incumbent David Leak to office by a significant majority. In each of the 11 districts involved in the voting, the millage issue passed.
County landfill plan delayed: The Independence Township won its first official tilt to keep a county landfill from locating in its northwest sector. About 120 residents were present to share in the victory as the Oakland County Board of Commissioners referred a county master plan for solid waste disposal back to its Committee on Public Works and added that the Planning and Zoning Committee should also have a say before the matter approaches the full board again.
The mill stream: Twenty-eight Brownies and their leaders gathered June 3 for a dogs-’n-chips picnic at Clarkston Elementary School. Troop 692, headed by Brownie leader Nancy Ward, Pat Ripley and Sally Lamm, entertained Troop 800.

75 years ago – 1949
Commencement completes Clarkston school year:
On Wednesday evening, Clarkston High School days ended for another 42 young people when they received their diplomas at the graduation at the Clarkston School. It was a happy occasion for the graduates, parents and friends who gathered there to greet each other and to hear a very fine program.
Clarkston merchants to sponsor free movies: Movies were again the program for Friday evening’s entertainment sponsored by the Clarkston merchants. Starting at 8 p.m., the committee furnished music and the high school boys’ quartet sang.
Clarkston locals: Mr. and Mrs. Leland Masters of Maple Drive had as their guests for two weeks their daughter, Mrs. Edward Quinn and two sons, Tommy and Dick, of Troy, New York. Another guest for a few days was Mrs. Masters’ mother, Mrs. Eva Wiltse, who came from Caro to attend the Clarkston High School graduation exercises.

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