A single waste hauler would hurt small businesses

We support small businesses. Generally, they treat their employees and their customers better. The owners and the workers are our neighbors. At election time, candidates running for office always espouse their support for small businesses. So, it remains a mystery why our city council members and other officials continue to try to force the issue of a single waste hauler onto residents. We’ve settled this issue before. A single waste hauler will put a number of small businesses out of business! Residents will no longer have options. Competitive pricing will disappear and residents will be forced to handle complaints or problems with a company who knows the customer has no other options or recourse. A letter from J. Ferrand in the July 24 issue of the Clarkston News (Resident voices concerns over single waste trash hauler) explained just one scenario. We don’t want to deal with some 800-number representative who is not motivated to help us. Please allow residents to enjoy the freedom to select the waste hauler they choose. We already know what it means to have no input with other services, i.e., water, electric, heat, etc. The council and the trustees have other very important issues to tend to, and they should leave this matter settled rather than resurrect it for the third time.
Thank you,

Nancy Dusney

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