How important are ‘Public? notices

One of the most under-appreciated services a community newspaper provides is publishing Public Notices. Community newspapers like ours usually charge our public bodies less than the going rate because we believe they are important. Our newspaper also puts all those Public Notices on-line, so the entire community can check ’em out. These are richly worded […]

Hold Your Nose

Stay away red-breasted robin — give your little wings more rest before you leave the sunny and warm climes of the south. Lay low crocuses — keep your colorful little heads buried in the warm earth at least until Easter. And, here’s a message to all you furry little marmots out there (which includes all […]

Don, you ‘homophobic bigot?

Some folks may find it hard to believe, but, the things I write really upset some people. Thin-skinned officials and those who are really wound too tight are the folks who get upset the easiest. And, they usually express their anger in letters to me and to the publisher. ‘Mr. Rush should be fired.? ‘In […]

Dogs and cats, the inside scoop

Over the years I have been pretty up front about canines and felines. Dogs are great to have and cats are okay. Before you cats lovers sharpen your pencils, put away your anger (life is too short to be angry all the time). I’ve stated it over and over, I have nothing against cats. Cats […]

Locals ‘Support the Soldiers?

About a year ago Americans embarked on a mission to oust Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Whether or not we should or should not be there is not the subject of this column. The polls indicate Americans are split about 50-50 on this war. And, odds are it will always be so . . […]

Getting the scoop on poop

We are becoming a ‘soft? nation. An ocean of ‘wimps? and ‘hoity toitys? (whoever they are) will soon be upon us. No longer will we be a nation of beer and burgers — everybody will want Chablis and crumpets (whatever they are). Woe is us. I have come to this conclusion after thorough research. The […]

Masked gunman attacks family

The brutal attack on a 42 year-old Oxford Township man, in his home and in front of his wife and daughter has got law enforcement locals on the look out. According to Oakland County Sheriff Detective John Roberston, they are looking for any information about the April 4 break-in, robbery and assault that took place […]

Canuck phone scam hits Oxford couple

Law enforcement officials from the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency are investigating a case with local connections. According to ICE spokesman Greg Palmore, information at this time is ‘sketchy? concerning a phone scam that originated in Manitoba, Canada and involved an elderly couple in Oxford Township. The Detroit office of ICE was […]

Oxford lawman’s murder a part of history

Names on plaques. Names on walls. Lots of names, but no stories to tell who the names were. Working through the ranks of the Detroit Police Department — from patrol officer to police chief — Isaiah ‘Ike? McKinnon saw all the names of fallen officers. The names commemorated those officers who were killed in the […]

‘Will you still be my dad?’

‘When I am 10, will you be dead?? Sean asked me, adding, ‘Will you still be my dad?? * * * I get a peculiar feeling thinking about those questions posed by our darling, blond-haired, blue-eyed, devil-may-care, four-year-old son. It’s been two weeks since he asked, but when I think about it I still feel […]

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