Anti-Bullying in Lansing is horse puckey

So . . . the world is up in arms. Life as we know it will end. Nobody likes us Michiganians, and I know this because all the opinion-mongers (like me), are writing about us in Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles and anywhere in between. Children will die and it is all the fault […]

Bill was a unique kinda? guy

This weekend whilst on the road (Michigan Highway 52) between the towns Owosso and St. Charles, I received a cell phone call. It was a busy weekend as son Sean and I were on a big adventure. We pointed the car in one direction and drove. Back to the phone call. A co-worker informed me […]

Were I a younger man and more!

There are a couple ways I can approach this column. One, I could say, ‘Were I a younger man . . .? or, Two, I could type, ‘When I grow up . . .? Or I could fulfill all your dreams and desires and do it both ways and then do you one better and […]

I love pie!

What a great weekend . . . aside from the Detroit Lions losing their second game in a row this past weekend proved pretty danged good. There was plenty of sunshine, which afforded many of us locals the chance to catch-up on outdoor chores before Ma Nature changes gears. The weekend offered a wonderful way […]

I love pie and dog collars

A while back I was fortunate enough to be asked to help raise money for disabled veterans. The gals from Bonnie & Cylde Boutique/Clarkston Flowers advertised folks could dunk your’s truly for a price. I guess word gets around that I’m a sucker for a good cause. Last week, reader Michelle Ervin wrote me this: […]

Preparing their minds, bodies and spirit on the mat

By Don Rush Hard work and dedication. Mental toughness and plenty of heart. As the leaves turn colors, and the temperatures drop these personal characteristics sum up a number of local athletes — the young ladies of Stars & Stripes Competitive Gymnastics team. For a team started just seven years ago, they have accomplished much. […]

Yawning tortoises

For about ten years now I have followed the exploits of one Marc Abrahams, editor and co-founder of the humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research. I know it sounds funny, but he makes me happy. Some time ago and for some reason I signed up for the Improbable Research newsletter/e-mail. And, every once in a […]

Let us face it: Internet scams are now a part of our life

You know, when I wrote this column (about eight years ago), folks were really, really just getting into e-mail. And, when I say ‘folks? I mean everybody: teacher, student, business types, government types, church types, everybody. It was also the start of a new scam that was faxed, before. And, do you know what? We […]

Of mice and men, or of Don and dogs

Holy crap, Batman. It’s the last week of September and/or the first full week of fall . . . and, well, I am not particularly ready for summer to end. Not, that I have a voice in the decision. * * * So, I would publicly like to thank to two different owners of the […]

Things looking up for Clarkston State Bank

It wasn’t too long ago rumors were running rampant on Main Street: Clarkston State Bank was going out business. While those rumors were not true, there was a time when federal and state regulators had slapped a consent order on Clarkston State Bank and 11 other community banks across Michigan. ‘We were the first to […]

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