As far Ralph Naigle is concerned, 2011 has been a banner year. A banner year for vandalism A seven-year employee for the City of the Village of Clarkston, Naigle said he has never seen a year with as much shenanigans as he saw this year. ‘It’s the worse I’ve seen. These kids won’t be respectful. […]
So there I was, sweating in my long-sleeved shirt (that seemed to be a good idea at 6 a.m., last Friday morning). It was now 3-something in the afternoon and I got a call. ‘Have you seen what they did to the swings in Depot Park?!? A few octaves higher than normal, the voice was […]
For those who love to walk, sit, eat, talk and do everything connected to the world wide web, last Thursday marked a day that is good for you. On that morning, representatives from Oakland County, the City of the Village of Clarkston and a high-speed wireless company met downtown. Why? To figure out where to […]
Like most families, sooner or later the older generation gives way, moves on . . . kicks the bucket. So it was with ours the other week. The Rush clan lost our grandmother, Mildred. At 97, she out-lived her three children, my Aunt Pat Kessler, Uncle Terry and my father, Donald W. Rush. She out […]
We are becoming a “soft” nation. An ocean of “wimps” and “hoity toitys” (whoever they are) will soon be upon us. No longer will we be a nation of beer and burgers — everybody will want Chablis and crumpets (whatever they are). Woe is us. I have come to this conclusion after thorough research. The […]
We are becoming a “soft” nation. An ocean of “wimps” and “hoity toitys” (whoever they are) will soon be upon us. No longer will we be a nation of beer and burgers — everybody will want Chablis and crumpets (whatever they are). Woe is us. I have come to this conclusion after thorough research. The […]
Like most families, sooner or later the older generation gives way, moves on . . . kicks the bucket. So it was with ours the other week. The Rush clan lost our grandmother, Mildred. At 97, she out-lived her three children, my Aunt Pat Kessler, Uncle Terry and my father, Donald W. Rush. She out […]
As the days get shorter, the mornings cooler (I actually saw my breath at about six Monday morn) and as fall approaches, I ask my self: ‘Self, are you a kinder, gentler Don?? I asked myself that question because over the weekend I found myself taking the time to notice things in the back yard […]
In the eyes of my sons I am sure they view me as The Meanest Dad in town. To bolster that image, over the past three weekends I had on TV the History Channel’s, America: The Story of Us. As The Meanest Dad in town, I even said before starting the show, ‘And, now for […]
While Don was off we ran this column from the August 2008 archives. We think he will approve. Some folks just have a way with words. As proof of my contention, I give you the People’s Evidence, Exhibit 1-A. It’s an e-mail from a reader, who really didn’t like when I opined on ‘The Women […]