Springfield Township Web site launched

In the Internet age, endless amounts of information can be found with a quick mouse click. While Springfield Township residents have been chatting with cyberspace neighbors of foreign lands for some time, they now can reach township officials with similar ease with. This communication will be available due to creation of a township Web site. […]

Fragment returns to Concerts

There are some things that just seem to go together: Peas and carrots. Snow and ice. Detroit and the automobile industry. Czechoslovakia and bluegrass music? While the two may not sound like a match made in heaven, bluegrass and Czechoslovakian band Fragment returns to Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce’s Concerts in the Park series July […]

Independence sets deliquent billing policy

Independence Township approved an administrative policy to collect delinquent payments for Emergency Medical Services at the June 21 meeting. Township Supervisor Dave Wagner said the policy was needed in order to collect the current outstanding debt which is close to $150,000. This money is still owed by people who received services, but have not paid. […]

Flag symbolical to veterans

It’s fluttered on the moon. It was held up by a group of soldiers at Iwo Jima. It’s been burned in protests. Old Glory. The red, white and blue. Stars and stipes. Whatever the name, the American flag is one of the most recognizable symbols worldwide. Lovers and haters of the United States attach their […]

FEMA trains local emergency personnel

No one can forget the sagging shoulders and soot covered faces of many fire fighters, police officers, EMS personnel and other professionals walking away from the devastating rubble of September 11. The disaster, like all tragedies, highlighted the importance of adequate training to save lives. Last week, fire fighters and medical professionals from around Oakland […]

Clarkston city proposed budget predicts surplus

Some things do not change much from one year to another. This could be said about Clarkston’s 2006 budget. On June 13, city council members discussed a proposed budget of $771,025 in expenditures, up $43,945 from 2005. In revenue, the 2006 proposal alots for $779,900, also up about $21,228. However, Clarkston Clerk Art Pappas cautions […]

Haiti mission just the beginning

Several of the pictures are filled with blank stares. The Haitian children don’t smile for the camera in some cases. Why would they? Many of them have no idea about the flashing gray box the missionaries hold up to their eyes and point at them. Father Don Duford and Church of the Resurrection parishioners returned […]

Blackthorn brings Irish music and comedy

Music lovers ready to laugh until their sides ache or crone loudly to bawdy Irish pub songs should head to the Concerts in the Park series June 24 to see Blackthorn. Blackthorn performs traditional Celtic and contemporary Irish music with light comedy in-between songs. ‘We perform traditional Irish music, some of it centuries old, some […]

Clays-for-Kids looking to help area youth

With a ‘sportsmen supporting children? mantra, the Clays-for-Kids Foundation of Clarkston is looking to help small charities supporting children of all ages. Prior to Clays-for-Kids founding seven year ago, Paul Lemley and a group of lenders and friends met every fall for a sport shooting competition. The participants pooled their money and gave it to […]

Granholm appoints Lohmeier to tribunal

Most 15-year-olds spend time counting down the days until their 16th birthday and the emancipation of a driver’s license. While his peers dreamt about cars and the open road, Michael Lohmeier fell in love with appraisal. At age fifteen, Lohmeier took appraisal classes, attended broker’s conferences and knew immediately what he wanted to do with […]