Bridge fund-raising in full swing

Soon those long walks around the stream in Depot Park to the gazebo or playground may be a thing of the past.
With a goal of $150,000, the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club’s fund-raising effort for the Dandelion Bridge across that stream in Depot Park is taking shape.
‘I see this being a yearlong project to raise the funds. I hope it won’t take that long, but I might be naively optimistic,? said Clarkston Farm and Garden President Julie Piazza.
Piazza said the bridge, crossing the park’s stream behind the gazebo to the playground, will meet a need recognized throughout the community.
‘One of the things people always say to us is we need a bridge there,? said Piazza. ‘The Clarkston Farm and Garden Club is appealing to the public to help bridge that gap. People will see it and say ‘Man we have been waiting for it.? It’s going to make a full circle in the park.?
With the moniker ‘Bridge the Past to the Future? in mind, donors can contribute money under a number of categories named after bridges. The classes include Mackinac, Ambassador, Blue Water and International and come with a variety of honors based on the category ranging from personal inscription to reserved invitations to the dedication ceremony.
‘We set it up so organizations and individuals can help in a big way and they get something for the help,? said Piazza.
While the categories have specific money donations, Piazza stressed that people can help the project in many ways by volunteering and any donations.
‘People want to see where their money goes and I think this is a tangible way to see that come to fruition,? said Piazza. ‘This will be a daily reminder.?
Piazza explained that following completition of fund-raising and construction efforts, the club plans to hold a gala event and ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring local dignitaries, donors and the community. According to Piazza, donors will be invited to the event and receive mention in the program.
The Dandelion Bridge project started in honor of long-time Clarkston resident Daisy Dowling and former club member, honoring her commitment to the community. The club earned approval for the project from the Clarkston City Council in July of 2005.
‘I think Daisy’s story is rooted in the community, connected with her family and that’s what we see today. Her story has springboarded us into honoring not only her, but also the roots of what Clarkston is all about,? said Piazza.
Funds already collected in Daisy’s honor and existing money raised by the club were used to start the building and fund-raising project. According to Piazza, the club is holding off starting construction until the funds for the bridge are raised.
In related news, the Clarkston Watershed Group, made up of city council members, the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club, St. Daniel Catholic Church’s River of Life and other segments of the community are continuing their efforts on the Depot Park Environmental Project.
City council member Jim Brueck said the group expects to hear back this week on a grant filed in February with the Oakland Native Partnership Initiative. He also said the group is working on a federal grant and plans to discuss formalizing the group in future meetings.
Look to future issues of The Clarkston News for more information. To read the previous article about the Clarkston Watershed Group, visit and type ‘Spring may hold more than cleaning for Depot Park.?

Donation categories

$5,000 Mackinac
? Personal inscription of your choice engraved on bridge column.
‘Only 20 available.
‘Invitation to dedication and reception.
‘Distinguished mention in event program.
‘Four reservations on bridge at ribbon-cutting.
$2,500 Ambassador
? Name inscription on donation monument.
? Invitation to dedication program/reception.
? Distinguished mention in event program.
? Two reservations on bridge at ribbon-cutting.
$1,000 Blue Water
? Name inscription on donation monument.
? Distinguished mention in event program.
? Invitation to dedication program/reception.
$500 International
? Name inscription on donation monument.
? Distinguished mention in event program.
? Invitation to dedication program/reception.