CAYA in need of tutors

One hour a week does not sound like much, but those 60 minutes can make a big difference in the life of a Clarkston student.
The Clarkston Area Youth Assistance ‘After School Tutoring Program? at Bridgewater Apartments needs volunteer tutors to accommodate the 35 students enrolled in the program.
‘We are overwhelmed. We set our goal at 20 (students) and we have a waiting list. Lack of tutors is what’s stopping us,? said CAYA volunteer and tutor organizer Anita Demster. ‘Our goal is a tutor for every child. We need four more tutors for every (hour long) session. That’s 16 tutors volunteering for an hour,? said Demster.
Tutors do not need to be teachers and are asked for a minimum of an hour per week tutoring one student for about an hour on Tuesday or Wednesday, said Demster.
‘The kids dictate what they need. We start out making sure they have their homework done. If they have those things done from school, we work to generate basic skills like times tables and reading,? said Demster.
‘It gives me a quiet place to do my work. It kind of hones my focus and sometimes the tutor will bring something new and fun,? said Clarkston Junior High School student Stephen Cason.
‘I get my work done and my tutor helps me. It helps me understand it more,? said Pine Knob Elementary student Kris Cason.
According to Demster, the tutoring program began about two years ago when CAYA approached Bridgewater Apartments asking if there was a need for such a program. Bridgewater acknowledged the need and provided the apartment.
‘If a child is not successful in school, it can dictate the rest of their life. It’s so important they have success in school. CAYA is committed to helping them succeed in life,? added Demster.
Part of the program includes a ‘Homework Club Store,? run by a youth in the program, where students purchase items with ‘homework bucks? received for good grades, consistent attendance and good reports from school teachers. The items for the store are donated by the community and include candy, snacks, school supplies and hygiene products.
Tutoring takes place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for students K-9 in Bridgewater Park Apartments. Middle school and junior high school students are scheduled from 3 ? 4:15 p.m on Tuesday and Wednesday. Third through fifth-graders are 4 ? 4:45 p.m Tuesday and Wednesday. Kindergarten to second-graders are welcomed for story hour Thursdays only, 4 ? 4:45 p.m.
CAYA is one of 26 programs of this kind in Oakland County which provide youth assistance. Kids are referred to CAYA by schools, police and parents. Demster explained CAYA’s broader goals are to prevent juvenile delinquency, neglect and abuse through community involvement.
Those interested in volunteering should call 248-625-9077.