City of the Village of Clarkston
City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
06 24 2019 Minutes
- Call to Order at 7:00 PM.
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll Call: Mayor Haven, Avery, Catallo, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie. All Present
- Approval of Agenda: Motion by Haven Seconded by Avery to approve the agenda. All Yes, Motion Carried.
- Public Comments: None.
- City Manager Report.
- Consent Agenda: Motion to accept by Wylie Seconded by Marsh to approve the Treasurer Report ending 06/24/2019 and minutes 05 13 2019 and 06 10 2019, All Yes, Motion Carried.
- New Business Proposition: A proposal for a new business was presented. It was recommended that the proposal be taken to the Planning Commission.
- Wylie moves, seconded by Reynolds to postpone Resolution to pay Sandy Miller a severance equaling 12 weeks of pay for 6 years of service for a total of $4,028.00. All in favor.
- Resolved by Reynolds seconded by Wylie to approve the Administrative Staffing Proposal. Moving Jennifer Speagle to City Clerk increasing her pay from $21,000 to $26,500. Hire a part time Administrative Assistant to fill Marcy Rotondo’s position. Retain Greg Cote as Treasurer with an adjusted schedule. Increase the City Manager Jonathan Smith’s annual salary from $30,000 to $34,000. Increase the DPW Supervisor Mike Speagle and DPW worker Caleb Withrow’s hourly rate by $1. Eliminate the Enforcement position (Code and Parking Enforcement are handled by other means). Change the City Office hours (not DPW) to be closed on Friday’s. Roll Call: Avery, Catallo, Haven, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie. All Yes. Resolution is Adopted.
- Resolved by Reynolds seconded by Wylie to approve the 19-20 FY Budget and General Appropriation Act and Millage rate of 11.7145. Roll Call: Avery, Catallo, Haven, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie. All Yes. Resolution is Adopted.
- Motion by Wylie Seconded by Catallo to move discussion on recommendations for New Board/Commission Appointments for Planning Commission (3 seats), Zoning Board of Appeals (4 seats) and Historic District Commission (3 seats) to the July 8thCouncil Meeting.
- Presentation by Parking Management Committee for recommendations on parking. Seven separate recommendations were discussed by Council which agreed to continue the discussion with possible vote during the July 8thCouncil meeting.
- Motion by Haven Seconded by Wylie to adjourn at 9:18pm. All yes, Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jennifer A. Speagle, City Clerk