Funding of traffic light approved

As part of an agreement approved June 9, Springfield Township trustees approved a plan to pay 12.5 percent of the cost of a new traffic signal at the Andersonville and White Lake Road intersection.
The agreement is contingent on the Road Commission for Oakland County paying 75 percent of the total cost and developers paying the other 12.5 percent.
The new traffic signal will accommodate anticipated traffic to be caused by Prospectors Industrial Park’s development. The board voted unanimously to accept the developer’s final site plan, including a convenience store and gas station.
Manseel Associates Incorporated estimated traffic signal to cost $120,000 with a variance of $10,000.
In order for PIP to have their site plan approved, the developers needed to meet certain criteria.
‘Because this is a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D), the applicant must demonstrate benefit to the community through this development. The developer’s contribution for the traffic signal meets that criteria,? said Springfield Township Clerk Nancy Strole.
According to a memo from the RCOC Director of Traffic-Safety Department David Allyn to Township Supervisor Collin Walls, traffic signal installation could be completed at an earlier date if the 25 percent was provided by the township and Prospector group.
The memo provided no specific date for installation, but noted the traffic signal will be in the Road Commission’s 2006 program.
Several township board members expressed concerns about the impact of the lighting, traffic and signage with the development.
The site plan was accepted with the understanding that issues dealing with lighting, tenant colors and building signage be resubmitted for approval prior to the granting of a certificate of occupancy.