Middleton looking forward to commission race

Oakland County Commissioner Tom Middleton is looking forward to running for another term in August and thinks his political experience is key to helping constituents.
‘I enjoy trying to help people and county commissioner is a good avenue to do that. My experience in the state legislature helps me maneuver through the politics of it and that experience has been helpful a couple of times during the last term,? said Middleton.
In addition to serving in the Michigan State House of Representatives from 1990-98, Middleton also served as a Lake Board Member for the Clarkston Mill Pond, Huntoon Lake, Rainbow Lake, Van Norman Lake, Walters Lake and Watkins Lake. He also is a past president of the Oakland County Conservation District and a member of the Clarkston Optimists.
Middleton was elected to his position in Feb. 2002 and his current term runs from Jan. 1, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2006.
‘I think I’ve done a good job since I’ve been elected in the special election. I’ve always made a point that my home number is on the (Oakland County) Web site,? said Middleton. ‘I try to be accessible to as many people in my district as I can.?
Keeping a finger on the pulse of constituents, Middleton makes a habit of visiting township meetings and other locations like the coffee shop in downtown Clarkston.
‘I try to go once a week to the coffee shop. Coffee shop conversation is interesting you find out little things that are going on,? said Middleton.
Middleton takes pride in his involvement in the National Association of Conservation District Great Lakes Committee and service as President of the Michigan Association of Conservation District.
‘In order to have a quality of life here in Oakland County, a big part of that is the natural part, especially when you come out to the Clarkston area and the open spaces we have. I feel I have a good network of people that are involved with that,? said Middleton.
He pointed to a workshop he sponsored at the Independence Township Fire Department on Citation Drive as an example of what can be done for conservation by getting people together.
‘To bring them all together in that meeting we had (May 2) was a tremendous informational source,? said Middleton.
Middleton says the challenges for the rest of his term and the future all relate to budget issues.
‘With these budget constraints, we’re going to have to shrink some of Oakland County’s government,? said Middleton, who sees tough program decisions in the future.
‘As the budget (in Oakland County) moves forward I can look out for the people of Independence and Waterford and make sure they aren’t hurt by it.?
When asked about goals during the rest of his term and any future terms, Middleton discussed the potential of having a major consolidated Oakland County Sheriff’s Department substation for his area at a new 52-2 District Court House that is in the works.
‘The one thing is to keep pushing for consolidation of sheriff patrol in a substation there. That would be a long-term lasting benefit to this north part of Oakland County,? said Middleton.
Prior to his service in the Michigan House of Representatives, Middleton worked as a farmer and believes that experience adds to what he brings voters.
‘I was a farmer up until 1991. In farming, you have new problems everyday and you have to solve those. I’m comfortable solving those problems and taking the risk you have to take to solve those problems. That excites me,? said Middleton. ‘I don’t think people realize the of economics of farming. It’s big business. When we were farming, we carryied a half million dollar debt and how to manage that? It makes you humble. You have to depend on the weather. So many other businesses you don’t have to depend on the weather. It made me have to adapt to it quite quickly, and sometimes in government you have to do that. Maybe that’s why I like government, it’s a little slower than farming.?