Public Notice: City of the Village of Clarkston council meeting minutes, Aug. 12, 2024

City of the Village of Clarkston

Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall

375 Depot Road

Clarkston, Michigan 48346

Final Minutes of the August 12, 2024, Regular City Council Meeting

1. Call to Order:

  • The regular session meeting of the City of the Village of Clarkston City Council was called to order by Mayor Wylie at 7:00 P.M.

2. Pledge of Allegiance:

  • Mayor Wylie led the Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call:

  • Councilmembers Present: Sue Wylie, Mayor, Laura Rodgers, Mayor Pro Tem, Gary Casey, Amanda Forte, Mark Lamphier, Ted Quisenberry, and Peg Roth.
  • Council Members Absent: None
  • Others Present: Jonathan Smith, City Manager and Tom Ryan, City Attorney
  • Others Absent: Sgt. John Ashley, Oakland County Sheriff

4. Approval of Agenda:

  • Motioned by Roth, supported by Casey to approve the agenda as presented. VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 7-0

5. Public Comments:

  • Chet Pardee – Capital Improvement priorities
  • Laura Rodgers – HDC Ballot proposal

6. City Manager Report:

  • August 6th Election

7. Sheriff’s Report for July 2024

  • No further comment

8. Motion: Acceptance of Consent Agenda as Presented 8/12/2024

Motioned by Forte, supported by Roth to approve the Consent Agenda. VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 7-0

10. Unfinished Business:

  1. Discussion: Status of City Manager’s Performance Review

A Motion to accept the City Manager’s Performance Review will be included in the August 26th meeting agenda.

10. New Business:

  1. Motion: Reconsideration of August 1st Motion to NOT accept Clerk Catherine Ashley’s Resignation

Motioned by Casey, supported by Quisenberry to reconsider the August 1st Motion to NOT accept Clerk Catherine Ashley’s Resignation. VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 7-0

  1. Motion to Accept Clerk Catherine Ashley’s Resignation

Motioned by Lamphier, supported by Casey to accept Clerk Catherine Ashley’s Resignation. VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 7-0

  1. Resolution: City Office Copy Machine Lease Renewal

Resolved by Roth, supported by Rodgers to table this matter to the August 26, 2024 meeting to allow time to investigate possible price increases over the 60-month life of the renewal agreement. VOTE: Forte, Lamphier, Quisenberry, Rodgers, Roth, and Wylie – Yes, Casey – No. RESOLUTION CARRIED 6-1

  1. Discussion: Sanitary Sewer Pipe Repairs in the West Alley

A Resolution to approve the Sanitary Sewer Pipe Repairs in the West Alley will be included in the August 26th meeting agenda.

11. Motion: Adjourn Meeting at 8:40 P.M.

  1. Motioned by Roth, supported by Rodgers to adjourn. VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

Respectfully Submitted by Jonathan Smith, City Manager

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